Thursday, October 26, 2023

Week of October 30

 Announcement and  Reminders 

  • October 30:  elementary report cards come home
  • Reminder: NLCA does not celebrate Halloween 
  • November 10: Veteran's Day - no school 
  • November 14: class Thanksgiving party at 1:00!  Students may wear Pilgrim or Native American outfits all day if they want to.
  • November 15: Thanksgiving lunch with your children! (11:00)
  • November 16-17: Teacher Professional Development - no school 
  • November 20-24: Thanksgiving Break - no school 
  • November 29: science fair (not a requirement)

  • Students need to memorize the multiplication facts up to 5 x 12 = 60.
  • Monday's reading homework: Reread pages 121-123 in the history book
  • Tuesday:  Language test
  • Thursday:  History test
  • Spelling will be list 9, already in their folders. Homework Tuesday night, trial test Thursday, second chance test Friday 
  • Friday: Quiz on Proverbs 3:6

Monday, October 23, 2023

Special Information about Friday's Trip

This information was also sent via ClassDojo.

Where:  Chandler Pumpkin Farm 

When:  Friday morning.  Meet there at 9:30.  If driving, you do not need to go to the school first.  Also, you do not need to return to the school afterwards.

Please let the teachers know if you want a sack lunch from the cafeteria by Thursday.  You may also pack your own.

Lastly, this is a school event, so students will be expected to behave just like they would at any school event.

Special thanks goes to Mrs. Willis for organizing this fun trip!!

Friday, October 20, 2023

Week of October 23, 2023

 Announcements and Reminders

  • October 25: end of the first 9 weeks
  • Permission slips and $5 for each person going to the farm are due by Tuesday!
  • October 27: field trip to the pumpkin farm
  • November 10 - Veteran's Day - no school 
  • November 14: class Thanksgiving party at 1:00.
  • November 15: Thanksgiving lunch with your children! (11:00)
  • November 16-17 - Teacher Professional Development - no school 
  • November 20-24 - Thanksgiving Break - no school 
  • November 29: science fair (not a requirement)

  • Students need to memorize the multiplication facts up to 4 x 12 = 48.
  • Monday:  Math test. A workbook page went home that can be used as a study guide.  I had students put stars or arrows on the important things.
  • Monday's reading homework:  pages 40-42
  • Tuesday:  Science quiz.  Study guide going home Monday.
  • Spelling will be list 8, already in their folders. Homework Tuesday night, but no test this week.
  • Thursday: Bible verse: Proverbs 3:5.
To my wonderful parents and families:  Thank you for studying at home with your students, and for all you do!  Remember that they can do IXL anytime; their login info is on their take home folders.  Also, full day attendance is important, so if you need to pick your student up early, please try to let me know ahead of time so that we're not scrambling to gather things in a rush. Lastly, if you haven't seen the pictures in Class DoJo stories, you might want to check them out.   Have a great weekend!

Friday, October 13, 2023

Week of October 16

 Announcements and Reminders

  • Scholastic Book Fair going on all week in the old gym.  There was a flyer that explained how to set up a payment account if you don't want to send cash with your child.
  • Wednesday, October 18: Students may wear pink for breast cancer awareness. Also, this is the day of the fundraiser reward party.
  • October 25: end of the first 9 weeks
  • October 27: field trip to the pumpkin farm
  • November 10 - Veteran's Day - no school 
  • November 16-17 - Teacher Professional Development - no school 
  • November 20-24 - Thanksgiving Break - no school 
  • November 29: science fair (not a requirement)

  • Students need to memorize the multiplication facts up to 4 x 12 = 48.
  • Monday:  Language quiz over how to form plural nouns
  • Monday:  Science quiz.  Study guide went home Friday.
  • Reading homework:   finish My New Song
  • Tuesday:  Language test (singular and plural nouns again)
  • Wednesday:  Science Test.  Study guide will go home Monday.
  • Spelling will be list 7, already in their folders. Homework Tuesday night, trial test Thursday, second chance test on Friday, as usual.
  • Friday: Bible verse: Proverbs 3:4

Friday, October 6, 2023

Week of October 9, 2023

 Announcements and Reminders

  • October 13: 3-hour early dismissal
  • October 25: end of the first 9 weeks
  • October 27: field trip to the pumpkin farm
  • November 10 - Veteran's Day - no school 
  • November 16-17 - Teacher's Professional Development - no school 
  • November 20-24 - Thanksgiving Break - no school 


  • Students need to memorize the multiplication facts up to 4 x 12 = 48.
  • Math test on Monday.  Workbook pages 55 and 56 will be coming home Monday and may be completed for bonus points by the following week.
  • Reading homework Monday night:  44-46 of My New Song, out loud to or with and adult.
  • Spelling homework Tuesday night.  
  • History test on Wednesday.  A study guide will go home on Monday.  
  • Spelling trial test Thursday, second chance on Friday.
  • Memory verse quiz on Friday:  Proverbs 3:3  

Mrs. Brammer's Last Blog

Parents,      I have mixed feelings as I prepare to finish my time at NLCA. I'll miss everyone, but like many others, I'm ready for ...