Friday, May 17, 2024

Mrs. Brammer's Last Blog


     I have mixed feelings as I prepare to finish my time at NLCA. I'll miss everyone, but like many others, I'm ready for a rest. The students have worked very hard and I hope they've learned a lot. Thanks so much for all the prayers, lunch-packing, studying that you helped with, checking those folders, and all the drop-off and pick-up days. I appreciate you so much!

Announcements and Reminders:

Please have your student continue to bring take-home folders Monday through Wednesday. 

Tuesday, May 21 - Principal's Luncheon
                Awards in classroom at 1:30. 

Wednesday, May 22 - Camp Day for third grade. They may bring a blanket or beach towel to sit on, plus end of year celebration (school-wide). There's supposed to be a movie, then corn dogs for lunch.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Week of May 13


Announcements and Reminders:

May 14 - NLCA in Session (Election Day)

May 15 - NLCA Talent Show 12:15 p.m.

May 21 - Principal's Luncheon
                Awards in classroom at 1:30

Academics this week, subject to change as needed:
  • The week of May 13 is our last full week of normal schoolwork.  Though testing is over, we do still have lessons to complete. 
  • Bible memory:  Psalm 1:3
  • One more spelling list.  We'll do homework Tuesday, trial test Thursday, second chance test Friday, as usual.
  • Language test Monday over alphabetical order, forming plural nouns, capitalization and punctuation.
  • History test Tuesday.  Study guide went home on Friday, 5/10.
  • Math test Thursday.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Week of May 6

Announcements and Reminders:

May 6-8 - Achievement Testing in the mornings.  

  • Please make sure your child is well-rested and has breakfast, either at home or here at school.
  • We will start first thing in the morning.  Please have them here by 8:00.
  • Students may bring an extra snack each day, if they want to. 
May 8 - No chapel
May 9 - Baseball Game in Charleston, 10:35.  Tickets will go home Monday.  You do not need to go to school first.  Just meet there.
May 14 - NLCA in Session (Election Day)
May 15 - NLCA Talent Show 12:45 p.m.
May 21 - Awards Day and Principal's Luncheon

Academics this week, subject to change as needed:
  • No Bible memory
  • No spelling this week.  We'll do one more list after testing.
  • No more reading homework.  I hope you enjoyed Secret in the Maple Tree as much as I do!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Week of April 29

                                                             Announcements and Reminders:

April 30 - Deadline for Charleston Dirty Birds forms and money.
April 29 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
May 6-8 - Achievement Testing in the mornings.  Please make every effort to make sure your child is there at the regular time all three days.
May 9 - Baseball Game in Charleston, 10:35. No need to report to school.
May 14 - NLCA in Session (Election Day)
May 21 - Awards Day and Principal's Luncheon

Academics this week's, subject to change as needed:
  • Language test Monday over finding the verb and adverb in a sentence, and comparing nouns.  Workbook page 163 will be coming home to use as a study guide.
  • Math test Monday, too.  This was scheduled for the previous Friday and we had to bump it out.
  • Reading homework this week: Secret in the Maple Tree, chapter 12.  They have all week to read it aloud to an adult, but the book needs to come back when they're finished with chapter 12 because we'll read the rest together in class.
  • History test Wednesday. Study guide coming home Monday.
  • Health test Friday.  Study guide coming home Tuesday.
  • Students need to commit to memory all the multiplication facts from 0 x 0=0 to 12 x 12 = 144. 
  • Spelling:  homework Tuesday, trial test on Thursday, second chance test Friday. 
  • Bible memory: Psalm 1:2. This is also in the take home folder.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Week of April 22

Announcements and Reminders:

April 26 - Career Day, 8:00 AM.
April 29 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
May 2 - National Day of Prayer
May 6-8 - Achievement Testing
May 9 - Baseball Game in Charleston
May 14 - NLCA in Session (Election Day)
May 21 - Awards Day and Principal's Luncheon

Academics this week, subject to change as needed:
  • Remote learning packet is due back on Monday.
  • Language quiz Monday over adjectives.
  • Reading homework this week: Secret in the Maple Tree, chapter 11.  They have all week to read it aloud to an adult, and the book may stay in their backpacks.  
  • Students need to commit to memory the multiplication facts up to 11 x 12 = 132.
  • Health test on Monday. The study guide was attached to the remote learning packet.
  • Spelling:  homework Tuesday, trial test on Thursday, second chance test Friday. The words are in the folder, behind list 29.
  • Math test Friday. 
  • Bible memory: Psalm 1:1. This is also in the take home folder.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Week of April 15

 Announcements and  Reminders :

IMPORTANT: If you want your student to attend NLCA next year, please be sure to register. Mrs. Lucky says the 4th grade class for next year is quickly filling up.

April 19 - Elementary Remote Learning. A packet will come home soon, and the students may work on it early if they want to.
April 26 - Career Day, 8:00 AM.
April 29 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
May 2 - National Day of Prayer
May 6-8 - Achievement Testing
May 9 - Baseball Game in Charleston
May 14 - NLCA in Session (Election Day)
May 21 - Awards Day and Principal's Luncheon
May 22 - End of Year Event
May 27 - Memorial Day

Academics this week, subject to change as needed:
  • Reading homework this week: Secret in the Maple Tree, chapter 10.  Remember, this book is exclusively for homework and class discussion.  They have all week to read it aloud to an adult, and the book may stay in their backpacks.  I still need a parent to initial the homework assignment in the take-home folder, please.
  • Students need to commit to memory the multiplication facts up to 11 x 12 = 132.
  • Language test on Monday over adjectives.  I had them write "Test Mon." on Friday's workbook page.
  • History test on Monday (study guide went home Thursday).
  • Math test on Tuesday. Workbook pages 255, 256 will be bonus, due by next Tuesday.
  • Spelling:  homework Tuesday, but since we won't be together Friday, they'll write sentences as part of their remote learning assignment and I will grade those.
  • No Bible memory this week.  

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Week of April 8

  Announcements and  Reminders :

  • IMPORTANT: If you want your student to attend NLCA next year,  please be sure to register. Mrs. Lucky says the 4th grade class for next year is quickly filling up.
  • April 19 - Elementary Remote Learning 
  • April 26 - Career Day
  • April 29 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • May 2 - National Day of Prayer
  • May 6-8 - Achievement Testing
  • May 9 - Baseball Game in Charleston
  • May 14 - NLCA in Session (Election Day)
  • May 21 - Awards Day and Principal's Luncheon
  • May 22 - End of Year Event
  • May 27 - Memorial Day
Academics this week, subject to change as needed:
  • Reading homework this week: Secret in the Maple Tree, chapter 9.  Remember, this book is exclusively for homework and class discussion.  They have all week to read it aloud to an adult, and the book may stay in their backpacks.  I still need a parent to initial the homework assignment in the take-home folder, please.
  • Students need to commit to memory the multiplication facts up to 9 x 12. 
  • Language quiz Tuesday on adjectives.
  • Health test on Wednesday. The study guide went home right before Easter break.
  • Spelling:  homework Tuesday, trial test on Thursday, second chance test Friday.
  • Bible memory: the end part of Esther 4:14.  "and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"
A note from Mrs. Brammer:
I know the crazy weather was not what any of us wanted for spring break. I hope you and those dear to you came through without any flooding or wind damage.  Grace to you!

Mrs. Brammer's Last Blog

Parents,      I have mixed feelings as I prepare to finish my time at NLCA. I'll miss everyone, but like many others, I'm ready for ...