Friday, May 3, 2024

Week of May 6

Announcements and Reminders:

May 6-8 - Achievement Testing in the mornings.  

  • Please make sure your child is well-rested and has breakfast, either at home or here at school.
  • We will start first thing in the morning.  Please have them here by 8:00.
  • Students may bring an extra snack each day, if they want to. 
May 8 - No chapel
May 9 - Baseball Game in Charleston, 10:35.  Tickets will go home Monday.  You do not need to go to school first.  Just meet there.
May 14 - NLCA in Session (Election Day)
May 15 - NLCA Talent Show 12:45 p.m.
May 21 - Awards Day and Principal's Luncheon

Academics this week, subject to change as needed:
  • No Bible memory
  • No spelling this week.  We'll do one more list after testing.
  • No more reading homework.  I hope you enjoyed Secret in the Maple Tree as much as I do!

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Mrs. Brammer's Last Blog

Parents,      I have mixed feelings as I prepare to finish my time at NLCA. I'll miss everyone, but like many others, I'm ready for ...