Friday, December 31, 2021

Week of January 3, 2022

 Happy New Year to you!

    I hope you had the chance over the break to make some memories. At school, the floors were stripped and waxed, so everything was moved out in the hallway. I have since spent time in the classroom, cleaning those desk shields, freshening things up, setting up a new reading nook, and moving my desk out from behind the children, which I've wanted to do since school started.  (Hooray!)  Also, I hung some snowflakes from the ceiling and put up a "winter wonderland" bulletin board so that the kids have something fresh to brighten the atmosphere.  I'm excited to see them all again!

    I will be doing review to start the week, so I don't plan on any tests just yet, except the usual spelling (list 18) and Bible memory:  " I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 3:14

A couple of reminders:

  • NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 3. See you Tuesday!!
  • As long as Nicholas County is red on the COVID map, we'll still need to wear masks.  If that changes, I will let you know.
  • Please continue to send water bottles.
  • It's very warm in our classroom.  Students may keep a zip jacket or hoodie over a t-shirt, if you want.  

A couple of requests:
  • We've used up a lot of boxes of tissues.  If your child typically goes through them quickly, please consider sending a box to school for classroom sharing.
  • If your child cannot tie his or her own shoes, please work on that at home.  I know it's easier and quicker to just do things for our kids, but that's one of the things they should be doing on their own by now.  In the days to come, prizes will be given to students who demonstrate shoe-tying ability.  :-) 

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Parents,      I have mixed feelings as I prepare to finish my time at NLCA. I'll miss everyone, but like many others, I'm ready for ...