Saturday, December 11, 2021

Week of December 13


Thanks for stopping by!

Can you believe we're in the home stretch before Christmas break?

Here are a few things you might want to know about:


  • Science test Monday.  Study guide and science book went home Friday.
  • Spelling resumes with list 17.  Homework Tuesday, trial test Thursday, final test Friday.
  • Memory verse: Luke 2:10  "And the angel said unto them, Fear not; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people."
  • We're moving forward with learning the 6 times table.
  • We're also progressing to learning the midwest states, after having practiced the northeast and southeast states.  There are maps of each region in the back of the history book.
Dress-up days:
  • Monday: "Jingle Bell Rock"
  • Tuesday: "Silent Night"  (pajamas)
  • Wednesday: "Christmas Treat" (gingerbread men, peppermint twists, etc)
  • Thursday: "Oh, Christmas Tree"
  • Friday: 'Dreaming of a White Christmas / Bright Lights"
  • Of course, dressing up is not mandatory.
Class Christmas party:
  • next Monday, December 20 at around 1:30. We'll play a game, watch "A Charlie Brown Christmas," and have a treat or two.  If you would like to send something in, please let me know, but don't feel obligated in any way. 
Merry Christmas !


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