Sunday, January 30, 2022

Week of January 31

Thank you, all, for your help last week with remote learning.  I apologize for the glitches we've had, and I hope that if we have to do Zoom again, it will go smoothly.  Here are a few things for this week:


  • Students need to bring back all of the work that was done Thursday and Friday.
  • Young Writers contest entry due Tuesday.  Students may bring them in on Monday, if they are finished.
  • Though most of our class is not participating, the school science fair is this Wednesday.
  • Upcoming: class Valentine party on Feb. 14, in the afternoon.  If your child wants to do valentines, please include one for each student.

  • Monday:  ✦Bible memory quiz from last Friday:  John 15:12
  • Tuesday:  ✦History quiz.  Study guide will come home Monday.
  • Wednesday:  ✦Language test over separating subjects and verbs in sentences, discerning present/past/future tense verbs
  • Thursday:  ✦Spelling trial test, list 19, numbers 1-23.  ✦History test over Noah Webster, John Greenleaf Whittier, Davy Crockett, Louisa May Alcott, and the midwest states.  Study guide will come home Tuesday.
  • Friday:  ✦Bible memory quiz on Psalm 121:1.  ✦Spelling test list 19.   ✦Math test

Friday, January 28, 2022

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

New Recurring Zoom Meeting Info. for Mrs. Brammer

 New Zoom Meeting Information

Our time slot is 10:15 - 11:00.

Here is the link, which should work if you just click it.

  • If clicking it doesn't take you there, try copying and pasting it into the window of your web browser.
  • If you have the Zoom app, you may need to enter the following:
        Meeting ID:  919 8728 5949
             Passcode:  djgP1r

This is a recurring meeting, so you should be able to use this any time we are on remote learning.

Note:  I have been using ClassDojo regularly to communicate about important reminders and changes in our schedule.  Many of you were already on there because you signed up when they were in first or second grade.  I'd love it if I knew everyone had the app, because I can quickly keep you informed, send photos that I take when they're here at school, or share pictures of documents when we're on remote learning.  You can also use it to reach out to me, and I'll reply as soon as possible. 

Thank you!!

Monday, January 24, 2022

Week of January 24

 This is going to look a lot like the blog from the week of January 17, with a few changes.

A few reminders:

  • report cards went home Monday
  • Young Writers contest entries may be turned in any time through Feb. 1
  • coat drive through Jan. 26
  • class Valentine party on Feb. 14, in the afternoon
  • prizes still waiting for a few students to demonstrate shoe tying

Academics this week:

  • practice all multiplication tables through 6
  • introducing 7 x table this week
  • practice US states in Midwest (and northeast, southeast)
  • language quiz Tue. over identifying subjects and verbs, and distinguishing from past and present tense verbs
  • science test Thursday (Study guide went home Monday.)
  • spelling trial as usual, Thur. and final Friday, list 14.  No spelling homework on Tuesday IF the student wrote them when we had remote learning
  • Bible memory quiz Friday:  John 15:12 "This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you."
Note: Students may take the reading, history, or science books home to study at any time, but they need to take good care of these books because we use them for several years.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Directions for Wed., Jan. 19


Please be aware that Wednesday, January 19 is a remote learning day.

I'm trying to plan things for the students to do because I realize they do not have their textbooks and workbooks at home.

Our Zoom time is supposed to be 10:15-11:00 AM, but Zoom will only let me schedule on the hour or half hour.  I plan to be logged in at 10:00, and would ask that the students join in no later than 10:15, if possible.

The teachers do take attendance on these zoom meetings.

If you have paper and pencil at home, please make sure your students have them ready to go a few minutes ahead of time.

Thank you in advance!!

Here's the link to the zoom meeting:

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Week of January 17

    Hope everyone is staying safe and warm.  It's getting ready to snow as I type this!  Here are a few things you might want to be aware of for third grade:

  • no school Monday, Jan. 17, in honor of MLK
  • report cards should come home Tuesday
  • Young Writers contest entries may be turned in any time through Feb. 1
  • coat drive through Jan. 26
  • class Valentine party on Feb. 14, in the afternoon
  • prizes still waiting for a few students to demonstrate shoe tying

Academics this week:

  • practice all multiplication tables through 6
  • introducing 7 x table this week
  • practice US states in Midwest (and northeast, southeast)
  • language quiz Tue. over identifying subjects and verbs, and distinguishing from past and present tense verbs
  • science quiz Wed. and test Friday (vertebrates, invertebrates)
  • math quiz Fri.
  • spelling trial Thur. and final Friday, list 14
  • no Bible memory
Note: Students may take the reading, history, or science books home to study at any time, but they need to take good care of these books because we use them for several years.

Thank you and God bless!

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

News About the Young Writers Contest

         I had sent home a note recently stating that the Young Writers contest was not mandatory, but it is.  I apologize for the confusion. 

      The difference this year is that the children may work at home, but they cannot have any help at all.  

        From what I understand, they may use any genre (fiction, nonfiction, narrative, memoir, or essay) except poetry, and they need to have from 301-500 words.  

    The students may bring them to school when they are finished, and none may be turned in after Tuesday, February 1.  That gives them 3 weeks from today.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Week of January 10, 2022

Hope you've been staying safe and warm.  

Here's what we're planning on for this week.


  • Monday: makeup Bible memory quiz from last Friday.  (Phil. 3:14)
  • Monday: Spelling final test, list 18, for those who did not earn an A last Thursday.
  • Tuesday:  language test over using capital letters for proper nouns, using periods to abbreviate titles (Dr., Mrs., etc) and names of roads (St., Ave., etc), using commas to separate city from state, items in series, and in direct address, and using an apostrophe to show ownership.
  • Tuesday:  history quiz over Lewis and Clark.  Study guide will come home Monday.  
  • Thursday:  math test
  • Thursday: Spelling trial, list 12 (yes, 12. We had previously skipped that one.)
  • Friday: history test. Study guide will come home Wednesday.
  • Friday: final spelling test, list 12
Note:  I realize this looks like a lot.  I will use class time to help the students prepare for all tests and quizzes.   Hopefully, they won't have to do too much studying at home.  Please do go over those study guides with your kiddos, though.
Also, there won't be reading homework Monday, like there usually is, to give them time to study.
They will, however, still need to do the spelling homework that they always do on Tuesday.

  • January 12: end of the second nine week period.
  • January 17:  no school (MLK Jr. Day)
  • January 18:  report cards come home
  • February 1: Young Writers Contest due (but may be turned in early)
  • February 2: science fair 
  • Prizes are still waiting for a few students who need to show they can tie their own shoes.
  • Valentine's Day falls on a Monday this year. We will have a little class party and exchange valentines.  Students may create a box at home if they want to, and if not, I will have little gift bags that they can use to hold them.  A class list will come home closer to the date.

Thank you, and God bless!  

Mrs. Brammer's Last Blog

Parents,      I have mixed feelings as I prepare to finish my time at NLCA. I'll miss everyone, but like many others, I'm ready for ...