Friday, November 10, 2023

Week of November 13

  Announcement and  Reminders 

  • November 13: Operation Christmas child shoe boxes due, if participating.
  • November 14: class Thanksgiving party. I will provide pizza for lunch. Students may wear Pilgrim or Native American outfits all day if they want to.
  • November 15: Thanksgiving lunch with your children! (11:00)  
  • November 16-17: Teacher Professional Development - no school 
  • November 20-24: Thanksgiving Break - no school 
  • December 5: parent teacher conferences
  • December 14: Christmas play at 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM.
  • December 21 - January 1:  Christmas Break!

  • Students need to memorize the multiplication facts up to 6 x 12 = 72.
  • Monday's reading homework: pages 36-39.
  • Wednesday:  Language test, plus open-book history quiz.
  • No spelling test this week.  No spelling homework, either.
  • No memory verse this week.
A note from Mrs. Brammer:
Thank you for your help and support at home and for taking the time to read this blog. I'm so thankful for you!
Of course, there's no homework over the break, but since it's such a long one, I will be running an IXL leaderboard, if your child wants to do it. Participation is not mandatory.

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Mrs. Brammer's Last Blog

Parents,      I have mixed feelings as I prepare to finish my time at NLCA. I'll miss everyone, but like many others, I'm ready for ...